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  • Kenneth W

Muay Thai boxing in Hua Hin

Fight Nation's new Muay Thai studio offers some of the most advanced and modern Muay Thai training facilities in Hua Hin. The traditionally Thai martial art is offered in group classes, as well as private lessons and we welcome all ages and genders.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or completely new to the sport, we can guarantee you will have plenty of opportunity to grow and explore your limits.

For details about our regular Muay Thai classes please visit this page.

If your not sure whether Muay Thai is the right sport for you, keep reading to learn more about this noble martial art.

How does Muay Thai affect your body?

Whether your training or sparing, Muay Thai is a high intensity and high impact sport which has the benefit of being super efficient exercise, but also the drawback of being very taxing on your joints and ligaments. Proper warmup and stretching is therefore essential to having a healthy and safe training cycle.

Thai Boxing Hua Hin

Training Muay Thai assists the body in building lean muscle while burning high amounts of fat, this is why most Muay Thai fighter’s look quite lean and toned. The stress on elbows, knees and shins can be callousing you body or damaging your body depending on how you moderate your energy, especially if you are new to the sport, so be sure to take it easy and remember technique is just as important as impact.

If don't right, Muay Thai can be some of the best and most healthy exercise you'll ever get, but if done incorrectly, you'll risk serious injury. You trainer can help you better understand the optimal equipment and intensity for your level, don't be afraid to ask questions and let him/her know if you are injured or sore.

What kind of equipment do I need for Muay Thai?

Depending on your commitment to the training, we have all the equipment you'll need at the gym in Hua Hin soi 94, and your trainer we be waiting with a vast variety of pads and bags for your striking pleasure. All your really need to get started is nice loose sports clothes and your positive attitude.

That being said there are a few things to know about the typical equipment as well as a few tings to look out for when buying your own Muay Thai paraphernalia.

Muay Thai Gloves

In Muay Thai gloves are one of the most important pieces of equipment, because the gloves protect your hands as well as your sparring partner.

Fight Nation Hua Hin have gloves for you to borrow, but as you start taking your training to the next level having your own is a great idea two reasons: hygiene and familiarity.

We recommend buying your gloves at the Fight Nation apparel store or at another physical store, as buying them online without trying them on for size often ends in regret. It is important to make sure the gloves fit snugly and have sufficient wrist support and padding to avoid injury.

Muay Thai Shorts

Muay Thai shorts are especially made with light materials and enough room in the thigh and groin area so you can get your kicks off. The silk-like texture helps your legs move unhindered even when you get sweaty and tired.

When trying on a pair of Muay Thai shorts, try throwing a few kicks to see if they fit you well and give you the space needed to move around freely.


Mouth guards help protect your teeth during sparing. There are many types of mouthpieces, but for an amateur, the best one to get is probably the boil-and-bite model.

Though you will not need a custom mouthpiece for everyday training, you might want to invest in one for added protection if you are looking to compete.

Hand and Ankle Wraps

Hand wraps cast your hand, ensuring your fingers and wrists do not move when punching. They also help protect your fingers and wrists from impact injury. When buying hand wraps, invest in a quality pair as they will last longer and offer better protection. Its not worth saving a few hundred baht on this.

You trainer can help you with the right way to wrap to give you a good balance between comfort and protection.

Ankle wraps help support your ankles. They are not necessarily the first thing you would add to your Muay Thai gym bag, but if you want extra support for your ankles or if you are worried about previous injuries, grab a pair.

Muay Thai for Kids in Hua Hin

Muay Thai is a fantastic sport for kids of all ages. Involving your children in martial arts is one of the most healthy and long lasting gifts you can give them. Some parents worry that Muay Thai will make their children violent and even turn them into bullies, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Kids Muay Thai Hua Hin

Being part of a community of fighters and training fighting arts, not only helps build character and confidence, it also ensures that your child is growing up with a healthy understanding of his or her own body and fitness.

Reach out to our trainers on our contact page, if you are unsure if Muay Thai is the right choice for your child.

Muay Thai for Women in Hua Hin

Training Muay Thai as a woman or man is a great way to loose weight and stay fit, whether you planning to compete or just have fun exercising, Muay Thai is fantastic cardio-training. While we do not have a dedicated women's team, you don't need to worry about getting pit against a 200-pound man in the ring. Every student will receive personalized training that fits with the physique and abilities.

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